Fuel Licensing and Inspections
The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) inspects all gas stations in the State to make sure consumers are getting the full amount of fuel they pay for, and that fuel is uncontaminated.
About this Program
Our State Fuel Oil Laboratory tests samples of all motor fuels sold in Georgia for purity, performance, octane rating, and other quality standards. The Lab analyzes kerosene and antifreeze for product safety and performance requirements. It also conducts cubic measure of petroleum transport tankers.
Important: The Georgia Department of Agriculture does not regulate or manage fuel prices. If you have questions about gas prices, please contact the Georgia Department of Law's Consumer Protection Division.
Our inspectors normally inspect stations every 24 to 30 months. They will follow up more frequently if there is a complaint against the station or if problems were found during a routine inspection.
See our Fuel & Measures FAQ for more information.
Becoming an LP Gas Mechanic
LP Gas Mechanic Registration Packet
If you want to become a licensed LP Gas Mechanic, you must first be employed by a licensed LP Gas Company.
You will need to submit your registration packet to GDA using the contact information below. This packet includes a test of your knowledge. Please review carefully and make sure to include your test answers in the documentation you send to GDA.
You will also need to have your equipment (provers) calibrated by the State Fuel Oil Lab.
License Types
Licenses for this Program
Licenses for this Program
Laws & Regulations
Contact Us
Fuel & Measures Office
fuel@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (404) 656-3605 Fax: (404) 656-9648