On this page you’ll find recent recall alerts for food and feed products distributed or produced in Georgia. These alerts include the reason for the recall, a description of the issue, and a complete listing of affected products with identifying information.
Learn more about recallsBennett's Feed & Seed and W.B. Fleming (02/28/2025)
A Statewide Stop Sale is currently in place for two sheep feed products due to excessive amounts of copper. Both products were manufactured and distributed in the State of Georgia. The Stop Sale applies to the following products:
Bennett's Sheep Feed (50lb. bag) from Bennett's Feed & Seed in Albany, GA.
Sheep Mineral Free Choice (50lb. bag), Lot:12/06/2023, from W.B. Fleming in Tifton, GA.
Please be aware that the Stop Sale only applies to Lot:12/06/2023 and Bennett's Sheep Feed which is a custom feed. Please avoid feeding these items to sheep to ensure their safety. For more information, please contact our office at (404) 656-4958.